Important update: New year, new LRC ✨
The HE LRC is currently closed while we freshen up and bring you a redesigned HE space.
The FE LRC on Level 3 is unaffected.
We are still here to support you. Here's how:
Requesting books from the HE Collection
- To request a book from the HE Collection please log into your LRC Search account and place a Hold on the item. If it is on the shelf, our staff will retrieve as soon as it is safe for us to do so and you should be able to pick it up from the FE LRC on Level 3 that same day (or the next working day for Holds placed after 3pm).
- If you have any questions or need a book urgently, please speak to a member of staff or contact us.
Study spaces
- The FE LRC on Level 3 (S309) will be open until 7pm Monday-Wednesday. There are study rooms available, which you can book in advance by emailing us at or calling 01302553722
- There are some informal study spaces open in the Institute of Technology. You can find these through the sliding glass door to the left of the HE LRC.
Academic Support