When preparing a piece of work, there will be instances when you come across other people’s thoughts, ideas & theories that you wish to make reference to within your own work.
Making reference to other people’s work is called CITING.
Listing these references at the end of your piece of work is done in the form of a
Different institutions have slight variations on how they employ the Harvard system. By following this guide you will be following the agreed format for Doncaster College.
Got the basics but need more information? Click here for a printable full
Guide to Harvard Referencing at Doncaster College.
This guide is available for purchase at the Enquiry desk in the LRC and we have copies you can use in the LRC.
It is important to acknowledge other people’s ideas, thoughts and theories correctly
· You need to do this to avoid PLAGIARISM
· You need to do this to support reasoned argument in the form of ‘EVIDENCE’
· You need to do this to show BREADTH and DEPTH within your research