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APA Referencing (Sheffield Hallam)

On this page:

On this page you can find some quick links to useful resources on referencing from your validating university, tips on getting started with referencing, and advice on using AI in your work.

Referencing styles and AI rules sometimes change, so make sure you check with your tutor for the latest guidance.

Referencing tips

You can visit our Referencing Basics page for a short introduction of the what, why and how of referencing. If you are an HE student, check out the Referencing and Turnitin mini module on the Library course on Canvas for more useful tips and some hands-on practice.

If you would like some help getting started we also recommend using the opening sections of the Cite Them Right guide (also available to borrow from the LRC). These chapters are a great introduction to the concepts of citing and referencing. There is also a handy section on skills like paraphrasing and the layout of quotations.

Feeling stuck? If you would like more advice on referencing or don't know where to start, please email us at

Using AI

Sheffield Hallam University has created a range of resources to help you understand how to use AI in your assignments while avoiding plagiarism and safeguarding your academic integrity. Please visit their guide to referencing AI to find out how to format your reference list. You can also visit their latest blog on AI and You: Learning and Assessment for the latest guidance on how to acknowledge when you have used AI in your work.