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Professional Practice in Health and Social Care Foundation Degree FdSc: Legislation and regulations

Individual rights


 Picture (c) Lesekreis via Wikimedia Commons

The Human Rights Act lists 16 basic human rights including:

  • the right to life
  • freedom from inhuman treatment
  • freedom of thought, belief and religion


The Freedom of Information Act gives the public greater access to information about the function and workings of government and public bodies.


The Access to Medical Records Act gives individuals the right  to see reports relating to themselves provided by medical practitioners.


The Equality Act aims to tackle disadvantage and discrimination.


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Why do we need to know this?

Picture (c) National Archives and Records Administration via Wikimedia Commons

People who work in health and social care have a legal obligation to provide care and support for those they look after. They must ensure that no one in their care  comes to harm by taking the correct precautions - in order to do this, they need to know the law.

This page outlines some of the legislation and regulations you will need to find out about.

Care Standards

 Picture (c) Rosser1954 via Wikimedia Commons.

The Care Standards Act set up a National Care Standards Commission to register and govern various organisations including children's homes, care homes and childminding providers.


The Care Quality Commission Regulations relate to the quality and safety of care. The standards focus on several aspects of care including:

  • respecting and involving people using the services
  • meeting nutritional needs
  • safeguarding service users from abuse 


The Health and Social Care Bill  brought about a huge restructure of the National Health Service. Funding for health care was radically changed as GPs were given responsibility for most health services.


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Health and Safety

Photo (c) Alan Spencer via Wikimedia Commons


Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) ensures that incidents and accidents are recorded and kept under surveillance.


The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) regulations guarantee that substances are kept safely- this covers storage, use and disposal.


The Health and Safety at Work Act is the principal piece of legislation covering health and safety. It relates to employers and employees.


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